Thursday, 9 September 2010

Quiz time!

Ok readers its time for a…  


Of the 10 statements about Ghana below, five are true and five are false. Drop your answers into the comments section below the blog in the format: 1F; 2F; 3T; 4T etc…

There is a prize for the winner, so don’t hold back: 
  1. Ghanaian fishermen are nocturnal for their entire adult lives.
  2. Ghanaian women shave their heads regularly, but would not be seen outside the house without wearing a wig.
  3. In Takoradi, our closest town, there are 2000 registered gays.
  4. Ghanaian children must be able to do integer multiplication before being accepted into primary school.
  5. In Ghana the feet and wings of a chicken are considered the best eating. Brown leg meat is not thought fit for human consumption and goes into making pet food.
  6. “Obruni wowu” is the name Ghanaians give to second hand Western clothing sold in their markets. It translates as “Dead white-man's clothes” because they cannot understand why we would throw away perfectly good garments.
  7. Our local fishing ‘village’ of Elmina is home to over a thousand fishing vessels.
  8. In Ghana monkeys are often seen riding on the back of goats. Scientists have never understood why but the local taxi drivers find it hilarious.
  9. A significant proportion of retail buildings in Ghana are painted in garish colours and heavily branded to advertise mobile phone networks
  10. Due to the path it takes around the Earth, Ghanaians have never seen the moon.
Have fun,

Tim & Lyd


  1. 1F; 2F; 3F; 4T; 5T; 6T; 7T; 8F; 9T; 10F

    Alex T (although maybe 8 is true? I'd like it to be anyway!)

  2. 1F; 2F; 3T; 4F; 5T; 6T; 7T; 8F; 9T; 10F

    That prize is mine!!

    Happy Birthday bro

  3. 1F; 2F; 3F; 4F; 5T; 6T; 7T; 8T; 9T; 10F

    I think you know my address for posting the prize.

    Oh, and happy birthday!

    Paul, with assistance from Scientific Advisor Nicky

  4. 1T; 2F; 3F; 4F; 5T; 6T; 7T; 8T; 9T; 10F

    Keep up the good blogging.


  5. Happy birthday too young man


  6. 1T;2F;3F;4F;5T;6T;7T;8F;9T;10F

    No idea really but fancied a go!
    Happy Birthday Tim!
    Loads of love

  7. Guys - I have no clue but here's my completely random guess :) Hope you are having fun and send us some photos of where you live!

    1 F
    2 T
    3 F
    4 F
    5 T
    6 T
    7 T
    8 F
    9 T
    10 F

  8. I have no idea. Are they trick questions? I do hope 3, 4, 8 and 10 are true though. Britain would definitely be a better place (and I would be a much happier teacher) if they adopted number 4!!
    Great hearing your news. Please no more pictures of dying cows, it almost put me off my fillet beef wellington!! Almost...

  9. A bit of guess work and the advantage of being able to see everyone else's answers:

    1F, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6T, 7T, 8F, 9T, 10F

    Looking forward to the next post...


    PS - Keep meaning to ask you how the flight was? Did the hypnotherapy work?

  10. Audit team group effort...nothing like a lunchtime quiz to escape the audit bubble...

    1F; 2F; 3T; 4T; 5T; 6F; 7T; 8T; 9F; 10F;

    Game on! x
